Sales Wizardry

New Products — Positioning a new product for success is both an art and a science. We’ve had great success with several such initiatives. It’s a mindset we teach.

New Markets — Identifying, qualifying, and activating new markets takes an unusual sort of vision and often copious research. Our out-of-the-box thinking definitely supports this.

Regulation Clarification — There can often be some disconnect between writing and legislating regulations and making them work on the ground, in the field, over time, with changing conditions. Sometimes, a little clarification is needed, and those who are working with the regulations can see how they need to flex a bit. It can be the classic Jerry Maguire situation of “Help me help you!”

History has shown officials of many sorts to be quite amenable to a solution that solves a problem for them. For example, Bill found a way in 2001 to help the State of California streamline its permitting process, fast-tracking solutions to reduce the number and time of brownouts. On the environmental frontier, Bill worked with a private property owner and the US Forest Service regulations to facilitate the transfer of private property along the Continental Divide, Colorado Trail, for forest land along the Rio Grande headwaters.

Diagnostic Mentoring

This service was born from a need to identify the blocks in the flow to success for professionals and corporations already well in play. Tesseract will assess existing products, sales and marketing systems and styles, also the company culture. We will help in re-imagining and re-working historic conditions for accelerated success.

Leveraging Change

Out of Chaos Comes New Creation

We believe every change, welcome or not, contains the seeds of an opportunity for new creation. The Energy Industry, in which Bill has spent much of his working life, regularly threw curve balls to be dodged or caught in the form of new regulations, economic fluctuations, equipment failure, and corporations rising and falling. The chaos provided many lessons in squeezing opportunity, sometimes wildly successful opportunity, from the apparent losses.

Leveraging Change is an art that can be mastered. In our current business climate, it may be crucial. Out-of-the-box thinking is required.

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.

Arthur C Clarke
Author, Futurist, Inventor