Our Projects

Tesseract’s main current project involves the burgeoning hydrogen fuel industry, specifically using green hydrogen to fuel vehicles of many sorts. Particular focus is given to the technology to create accessible hydrogen refueling stations in California with Energy Link’s Ray Miller, “The Hydrogen Man.”

Tesseract is in preliminary discussions regarding an upcoming project involving innovative gas recovery….but that rabbit’s not quite out of the hat yet.

Bill is nearly always providing some sort of mentoring. One-on-one mentoring for sales and marketing from inception, new products from the ground up. Or what he terms “Diagnostic Mentoring” to assess existing products, systems and styles, re-imagining and re-working them for accelerated success. Our current superstar-in-the-making is in marketing heavy equipment systems from a remanufacturing facility in Minnesota.

If you want help turbo-charging your game, Bill is the one to call. If he doesn’t think he’s a match for you, he likely knows someone who is.

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.

Arthur C Clarke
Author, Futurist, Inventor