Things Worth Noticing
The Bill W. Thomas Blog
The Colors of Hydrogen
Hydrogen comes in 10 colors, but not actually, physically, different colors of hydrogen itself. The colors refer to how the hydrogen is produced, or reformed. Although hydrogen is the first element in our Periodic Table, believed to be both the most common and simplest in the Universe, it doesn’t actually often occur naturally on Earth.
So You Think You Are a Salesperson? You Are an Ambassador!
After half a century of being the lead in many wildly successful marketing initiatives, creating companies from scratch to multi-millions dollar sales, and training quite a few salesman, I always say this. You are not a salesman, you are an ambassador! As you mature into this view of yourself and the relationships, you will find your network and profitability expand quickly.
The View From Out of the Box
The actual process of insightful thinking, the ability to think Outside of the Box (OOB), is not well known. Perhaps because this way of thinking also involves feeling, synthesizing, or even dreaming, and not everyone is “wired” this way. Incredible patience for multi-step processes can be involved. Often inventors report that the ideas had “landed on them” or “come to them out of nowhere.” Or that they took a nap and woke up with the inspiration fully formed.
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
Arthur C Clarke
Author, Futurist, Inventor